Chapter Board Elections

2024 Election Closed

  • Voting closed June 23rd.
  • View our current board roster here.

Hear from the Candidates

On 6/12 at Noon we hosted a virtual candidate forum. Several candidates attended and shared who they are and why they are running in the election. You can watch the recording of this forum below. Candidates who were unable to make the live event were offered a chance to record an individual video and we have included those as separate links as well. We hope this will help you make an informed decision as you place your vote!

Click here to watch the Candidate Forum held 6/12/24 featuring those with a + on the list below.

Some Candidates who were unable to attend the Forum were able to make an individual recording. Click on the names below that have hyperlinks to view their videos. This page will be updated as more candidates make video recordings.

  • 2nd Vice President for Budget and Finance
    • Adrienne Bombelles, MSW, SWLC (WINNER)
    • John Myers, MSW, SWLC +
  • MSW Student Member Rep Candidates
    • Janie Magelky, MSW Student +
    • Cheyanne Loney, BSW, MSW Student
    • Rebecca Vujovich, MSW Student + (WINNER)
  • BSW Student Member Rep
  • Eastern Region Rep Candidates
  • South Central Region Rep Candidates
    • Meredith Herzog, MSW, SWLC
    • Amanda Fahlstrom, LCSW +
    • Ke'lah Savage, LCSW, DSW Candidate (WINNER)
Positions on the Ballot:

2nd Vice President for Budget and Finance - 2-year term
Eastern Region Representative - 2-year term
South Central Region Representative - 2-year term
BSW/MSW Student Representatives – 1-year term

Send any questions to Mckenna Fromm, incoming Board President.

Overview of the Election Process

The Montana Chapter conducts board of directors elections each summer to fill positions that will become vacant on June 30. Student representative members hold office for one year, so these positions are included in each election cycle. Most other board positions are two-year terms, and the terms of these members are staggered so that approximately one-half become vacant each year. The board president serves a two-year term, after serving one year as president-elect. The position of the president-elect is filled with appropriate timing so that the president-elect will serve at the same time as the president is serving his or her second year in office.

The executive committee serves to develop a slate of candidates for elections and, in conjunction with chapter staff, oversees the conduct of the election process each year. The Montana Chapter follows the NASW Chapter Standards for Nominations and Elections in its development of the slate of candidates for and the conduct of all chapter elections. After nominations close, all eligible nominees will be put on the ballot and member voting will take place in early June to fill vacancies by July 1.

June 1st - June 23rd 2024